
CTI Systems’ extensive technology portfolio meets the precise needs of a range of manufacturing companies with widely varying requirements throughout the world.

Long Profiles and Panels
Dynamic Intermediate Storage System for PVC windows profiles
Photo - BS - Pierret 403090
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic stacked Storage System for the picking and preparation of long profiles for the window industry
Long Profiles and Panels
Revamping of an Automatic Handling System and Transport Management System (TMS) for the storage and handling of containers with aluminium profiles
Long Profiles and Panels
Batch Intellingence System
Logistic System for an aluminium melt shop
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic Stacking Cranes and Transport Management System (TMS) for the storage and handling of containers with aluminium profiles
Photo - S - Heroal - 401510
Long Profiles and Panels
Logistic System for the handling, transport and storage of aluminium casting tools
Photo - S - Fantoni - 401150
Long Profiles and Panels
Highspeed Automatic Storage and Handling System for the picking and preparation of aluminium profiles before the paint process
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic Stacked Storage System for wood wall sections
Long Profiles and Panels
Crane with rotation function for the transport of hot hollow profiles
Photo - S - Hydro Ornago 402730
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic Stacking Cranes and Transport System for the storage and handling of containers with aluminium profiles
Photo - S - Steel Handling
Long Profiles and Panels
600 m long Stacked Storage for cassettes containing 45t of OCTG each, acting at the same time as central logistics system interconnecting all involved processing steps (rolling mill, heat treatment, threading, etc.)
Long Profiles and Panels
Automated Storage System for aluminium profiles (comstore)
Long Profiles and Panels
Storage for wooden plates single commissioning
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic Storage System and a Manual Bridge for PVC profiles
Photo - V - VSB Brazil - 401600
Long Profiles and Panels
8 Stacker Cranes for long material (cassettes with aluminium profiles), 3 Stacker Cranes for a pallet and boxes
Long Profiles and Panels
Automatic High-bay Warehouse for rolling slabs with bar transport system
Long Profiles and Panels
Automated Storage System for MDF and chipboards
Long Profiles and Panels
2 Storage and Conveyor Systems for rockwool panels
Long Profiles and Panels
2 Picking Cranes steel tubes
Long Profiles and Panels
Tarca Rails for Stitch Tracks and Bridge + Transfer Bridge and Trolley
Photo - S - Panels Wood - References
Photo - BS - Corus - References
Reels and Coils
Automatic High-bay Warehouse and Handling System for the storage and transport of rolls between receiving's and manufacturing centres
Reels and Coils
Replacement of a Coil Handling System for 10 t aluminium coils
Photo AGV Paper - References
Reels and Coils
Automatic High-bay Warehouse and AGV for the storage, transport and sorting of rolls between manufacturing centres and packing lines
Reels and Coils
Automatic High-bay Warehouse and Automatic Cranes for the storage, cooling and transport of aluminium coils
Reels and Coils
Extension of MultiDisk Handling
Photo Avery 2 - References
Reels and Coils
United Arab Emirates
Automatic MultiDisk Storage and Handling System for a Post Press Processing System
Reels and Coils
Extension with 3 turn- and Lifting Shuttle Robots and corresponding WMS modifications of a unique Handling System which allows to automatically store preprints after being winded onto MultiDisc.
Photo - S - Corus 2 - References
Photo Avery Dennisson - References
Reels and Coils
Crane runways and Monorail system
Reels and Coils
United Kingdom
Modifications on an existing CTI C-hook monorail line for wire coils to adapt from a 4 strand rod mill to a new 3 strand rod mill
Reels and Coils
United Kingdom
Fully Automated high-storage warehouse
Reels and Coils
United Kingdom
High-bay warehouse for medium section bundles
Reels and Coils
United Kingdom
Modifications on an existing CTI C-Hook Monorail line for wire coils to adapt from a 4 strand rod mill to a new 3 strand rod mill
Photo Ferag - References
Photo - H - AMAG 402770 - References
Slab and Ingot Packs
High-bay Warehouse for approximative 900 aluminium slabs up to 20 tons each
Photo - S - Vallourec 401810
Slab and Ingot Packs
P.R. China
Automated Floor Storage composed of 2 tong cranes with 3 tongs
Slab and Ingot Packs
Automatic High-bay Warehouse for rolling slabs with bar transport system
Slab and Ingot Packs
3 Automatic Cranes for aluminium coils
Photo - S - AMAG 1 - References
Liquid Metal
Overall revamping of 30+ year old CTI liquid metal Transport and Handling System in an aluminium foundry
Photo Fonderie - References
Liquid Metal
20 ton Casting Crane
Liquid Metal
Monorail System
Liquid Metal
Rolling Mill Train Modification
Photo - Fonderie  2 - References
Liquid Metal
Transport System for liquid metal
Liquid Metal
Revamping of Track Switches
Liquid Metal
Pouring Crane
Commercial vehicles
Conversion of existing plant to E-coat and Powder Coating Line
Photo - BS - Comm vehc Handling Schmitz Cargobull
Commercial vehicles
Capacity increase of existing Paint Shop and Automated Material Handling Connection to three new Assembly Lines for swap body trailers
Commercial vehicles
Automated Shotblast Cleaning System for trailer chassis
Commercial vehicles
Extension of the E-coat Oven Plant of the existing E-coat and Powder Paint Shop and refurbishment of the Process Automation System. E-coat System for agricultural equipment and heavy trailer
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated E-Coat and Powder Coating system for semi-trailers and trailer parts
Photo - S - AGCO Hesston 401860
Commercial vehicles
Full Automated Overhead Conveyor System for semi-trailer assembly line
Photo - S - Van Merkstijn - References
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated Paint Shop Facility including E-coat and Powder Paint for heavy agricultural equipment
Commercial vehicles
Complete Automated Paint Shop Facility including E-coat, Powder and Wet Paint for heavy agricultural equipment with direct access to part manufacturing and a final assembly line by AGVs
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated Paint Shop Facility including E-coat and Powder Paint for heavy agricultural equipment with direct access to part manufacturing and a final assembly line with AGVs
Photo - H - WOB 2 - References
Commercial vehicles
Paint Shop Floor Transport System for heavy mining equipment with shuttle conveyors and slave carts
Commercial vehicles
Modification of the Aquence 930 coating process of the Co. Henkel in the existing coating plant
Commercial vehicles
Automated Monorail Conveyor System for car bodies e-coating and painting
Commercial vehicles
Integrated Production Site comprising a Fully Automated E-coat and Powder Coating Facility for semi-trailer chassis and trailer parts as well as an Automated semi-trailer Assembly Line
Photo - Comm vehicles AGCO 401860
Commercial vehicles
Significant capacity upgrade of a Fully Automated E-Coat and Powder Coating facility for semi-trailers and trailer parts
Photo - Comm veh 401860 AGCO Hesston
Commercial vehicles
Integrated Production Site for refrigerated trailers comprising:
- Fully Automated E-coat and Powder Coating Plant for semi-trailer chassis and trailer parts
- Conveyors and Handling Devices as well as an Automated Manufacturing Line for sandwich panels of refrigerated trailers
- Automated Assembly Line for semi-trailers
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated Conveyor Transport System for E-coat and Powder Painting plant for semi-trailer chassis
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated Autophoretic Coating Chemicals (ACC) and Wet Coating facility for agriculture dumpers
Photo - S - Comm veh Krone Werlte 402650 (2)
Commercial vehicles
Automated Assembly Line for semi-trailers consisting of 2 Lifters, 1 Diagnostic Station, 1 Traversing Carriage, 1 Maintenance Station and 6 Carriers
Photo - Comm vehicles Krone Werlte 402650
Commercial vehicles
Automated Overhead Conveyor System for an E-coat plant for buses
Commercial vehicles
Fully Automated E-coat, Powder Coating and Wet Paint Installation for semi-trailers, trailer parts, buses and containers
Commercial vehicles
Automated Assembly Line for semi-trailers including 1 Chain Conveyor, 3 Lifters, 1 Diagnostic Station, 1 Maintenance Station and 10 Carriers
Commercial vehicles
Automated Floor and Overhead Conveyor System for an e-coat plant for buses
Photo - S - WOB - References
Commercial vehicles
The Netherlands
Automated paint shop with floor conveyor system and incl. a casettes storage system for bulky steel structures
Photo - Comm vehicles AGCO Laverda 401970
Commercial vehicles
Automated Monorail System with hangars for E-coat Painting of car bodies
Commercial vehicles
Electrical Monorail System
Commercial vehicles
Extension of the E-coat and Powder Coating Facility for semi-trailers and trailer parts, busses and steel structures
Photo - Kögel 402970 - References
Commercial vehicles
Refurbishment of an existing Trailer Chassis E-Coating Line by adding an Spray Degreasing Stage to remove Shotblasting Dust from Trailer Chassis prior to the Dip Pre-Treatment and E-coat Stages
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
2 Teleplatform units
5 Double Girder Cranes
6 Single Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Photo - BS -  Teleplatform and cranes - 402220
Aircraft Access
1 WiFi Access Docks for A320 single aisle
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of aircraft up to B747-8
Platform size: 5000 mm x 5800 mm
Aircraft Access
Collision Avoidance Assistance System for aircraft painting
Aircraft Access
1 WiFi Access Dock for multi aircraft long range
Photo - H - Tinker 402710 - References
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
4 Teleplatform Units
12 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Beluga Line Loading Station consisting of one Beluga Interface and one mobile rack
Aircraft Access
8 off multi narrow body PAX platform stairs
8 off multi wide body PAX platform stairs
Photo - Airbus Beluga XL Méaulte 403060 Work Platforms
Aircraft Access
Line Loading Station consisting of one interface and two mobile racks
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
12 Teleplatform Units
12 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of KC-46 A aircraft
Platform size: 6100 mm x 4000 mm
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
1 Single Girder Crane
1 FP30 (Fall Protection System)
for maintenance of A330 MRTT & C17 aircraft
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
12 Teleplatform Units
12 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of B737 Max & classics aircraft
Platform size: 6860 mm x 4800 mm
Aircraft Access
Vertical Station
Photo - H - RAAF 402700 - References
Aircraft Access
1 Teleplatform Unit
2 Double Girder Cranes
2 Single Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
1 Tail Dock (HTP included) for A330/A340/A350
Photo - S - LH 402660 - References
Aircraft Access
6 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of A330 & A350 aircraft
(Retrofit of existing hangar, incl. replacement of 8 former Teleplatform Units in Paint Shop)
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Photo - Aircraft Painting 402220 Teleplatforms and cranes - 1
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
1 set of Robot Operation Platform
1 set of Manual Operation Platform
1 set of Universal Platform Connection Adapters
1 stationary rest stand for manned platform
1 stationary rest stand for robotic platform
for painting of narrow body aircraft
Aircraft Access
1 set of narrow body Docks for B737/757 comprising Tail, Wing and Nose area
1 set of wide body Docks for B777 comprising Tail, Wing and Nose area
65 off Maintenance Stands and Stairs
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
6 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of A330 aircraft
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Aircraft Access
12 Teleplatform Units
12 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Photo - Air China - 402110
Aircraft Access
2 set of heavy maintenances for B777 aircraft
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 6300 mm x 4000 mm
Aircraft Access
3 off A320/B737 Wing Docks
2 off A320/B737 Tail Docks (VTP+HTP)
1 off A320/ B737 Nose Docks
Photo - H  - Air France Docking systems Purple dock 401490
Aircraft Access
4 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 5000 mm
Aircraft Access
3 Teleplatform Units
3 Double Girder Cranes
for final assembly of A350
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance & wash of IL-96 aircraft series
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
1 Teleplatform Unit
1 Double Girder Crane
for maintenance of A400M aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
6 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Aircraft Access
Line Loading Station consisting of one interface and three Mobile Racks and 2 Cargo Boarders
Aircraft Access
6 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for painting
Platform size: 7500 mm x 4150 mm
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
4 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of aircraft ARJ21 and C919
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Photo -BS - SIAEC - 401780
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
1 Teleplatform Unit
4 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Platform system for maintenance application comprising:
3 off Work Platforms - Mega type
Aircraft Access
South Korea
2 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Wide body Dock system for A330, A340 and B777 series:
1 set Nose, Fuselage, Wing, Engine, MLG, Mezzanine ramp and Tail dock (VTP+HTP)
1 set Nose, Wing, Mezzanine ramp and Tail dock (VTP+HTP)
Photo  - H - Etihad - 401740
Aircraft Access
Republic of Singapore
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 6100 mm x 3960 mm
Aircraft Access
United Arab Emirates
3 Teleplatform Units
7 Double Girder Cranes
2 Single Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Phase 1:
4 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
8 Single Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Phase 2:
4 Teleplatforms Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
6 Single Girder Cranes
2 Separation Curtains
for aircraft painting
Platform size: 6000 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
2 Teleplatform Units
2 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance & painting of C17 aircraft
Platform size: 10650 mm x 2000 mm
Aircraft Access
4 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
for aircraft painting up to B777
Platform size: 6100 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Line Loading Station consisting of one Interface and two Cargo Boarders
Photo - V - GAMECO 400840 - References
Aircraft Access
1 Teleplatform Unit
4 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance of wide & narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6300 mm x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
4 Teleplatform Units
4 Double Girder Cranes
for maintenance and painting of narrow body aircraft
Platform size: 6100 mm x 3550 mm
Photo - S - Iberia 401540 Teleplatform and cranes
Aircraft Access
6 Teleplatform Units
6 Double Girder Cranes
for painting of A350 & A380 aircraft
Platform size: 7500 x 4150 mm
Aircraft Access
Docking system for B777-all series, comprising:
1 off Nose Dock
1 set Fuselage Docks
1 set Wing docks
1 set Engine Docks
1 set Main Landing Gear Docks
1 set VTP Tail Docks, 3D adjustable
Aircraft Access
P.R. China
1 Teleplatform Unit
4 Double Girder Cranes
for aircraft maintenance of wide body aircraft
Platform size: 6000 x 3500 mm
Aircraft Access
Docking system for C130 Hercules L100/382G series, comprising:
1 off Nose Dock
1 set Fuselage Docks
1 set Wing Docks
4 off Engine Docks
1 set Tail Dock (VTP + HTP)
Aircraft Access
Platform system for maintenance application on multi aircraft, comprising:
2 off Work Platforms - Micro type
1 off Work Platform - Maxi type
Photo - S - Air France Blue Dock 401220
Aircraft Access
Docking system for heavy maintenance application on all A320 aircraft series,
1 set Wing Docks
1 set Main Landing Gear Docks
1 off Tail Dock
Photo - Robins 401170 - References
Aircraft Access
Installation of 3 Storage Racks 24m
Aircraft Access
Mezzanine integrated Docking system for A380/ B747/ B777 aircraft series,
1 off Nose Docks, combined with forward Fuselage Dock
2 off Windscreen Docks
2 off Radome Docks
2 off Main Deck Access Docks
Aircraft Access
Republic of Singapore
Multi aircraft Docking system for combined paint & base maintenance on B747 & B777 all series, comprising:
1 off Nose Dock
1 off Windscreen Dock
1 off Radome Dock
1 off Fuselage Dock
1 off Tail Dock (VTP+HTP)
Aircraft Access
Loading Platform A320 Wing
Aircraft Access
Manufacturing and installation of 2 storage racks 30m
Aircraft Access
United Arab Emirates
Platform system for maintenance on A380 aircraft, comprising:
1 off work platform - Maxi Type
Photo - H - Turkish Technic
Aircraft Access
United Kingdom
Line Loading Station consisting of one Interface and two cargo boarders
Aircraft Access
Platform system for maintenance application on multi aircraft types, comprising:
2 off Work Platform - Micro type
1 off Work Platform - Maxi type
2 off Work Platform - Mega type
Aircraft Access
1 WiFi Access Dock A320 single aisle
1 WiFi Access Dock B777 long range
Photo - Aircraft Painting Spectr Avia  - TEM874666
Aircraft Access
Installation of 1 Storage Racks 42m
Aircraft Access
Modification of the existing installation to allow loading of the Beluga XL in addition to the ST
Aircraft Access
Design, production and integration of a new Storage rack into the Beluga Line station.
Aircraft Access
3 Nose Docks for single aisle aircraft (A320- family)
Aircraft Access
SA-Reactivation Station
Aircraft Access
Relocation and integration of three Storage Racks into a Line Station.
Aircraft Access
Line Loading Station consisting of one Interface and two mobile racks
Photo  -BS - Rolls Royce - References
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
P.R. China
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations, crane bridges, slewing crane, swivel beam and access
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Four (4) aircraft engine work stations in gantry design with patented track lifting beam , operated by failsafe, redundant lifting systems, both being controlled by PLC
and integration of the four (4) bi-rail carrier in OEM design.
Served engines: GEnX
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
One (1) aircraft engine work station in gantry design with patented track lifting beam , operated by failsafe, redundant lifting system, both being controlled by PLC
and one (1) bi-rail carrier in OEM design.
Served engines: GEnX
Photo N3 - References
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations, crane bridges, slewing crane, swivel beam and access
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Transfer System for boat engine in engine test centre comprising two 50-Metric ton dual hoists bridge cranes, including special lift beam for test bed levelling ability
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Transfer System for aircraft engine in engine test centre, comprising 1 (one) engine carrier with dual hoist (2x15 tons), 1 (one) patented monorail transfer system with stops and track switches and 1 (one) lifting platform
Photo Pim2 - References
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising four (4) adjustable work stations in preparation area, patented monorail tracks, auxiliary hoist, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations, crane bridges, slewing crane, swivel beam and access platform in test cell.
Served engines: All Trent series up-to Trent 1000s and Trent XWB
Photo - Aerolia - 401611  - 1
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Extension of storage system for paint cabin
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Combined mono- and bi-rail gantry system, comprising entry station, hospital bays, disassembly work stations, reassembly work stations, hoist carriers, transfer bridges and lift stations in engine maintenance centre.
Served engines: CFM56 series/ CF6 and GE90 (VBE)
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Combined mono- and bi-rail gantry system, comprising entry station, hospital bays, disassembly line, re-assembly line, hoist carriers and transfer bridges in engine maintenance centre.
Served engines: CFM56 series/ V2500
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations, crane bridges, slewing crane, swivel beam and access platform.
Served engines: CF6series/ CFM56 series and PW2000/PW6000/V2500 series
Photo GE - References
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations, crane bridges, slewing crane, swivel beam and access
Served engines: CF6series/ CFM56 series and PW2000/PW6000/V2500 series
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Nose Dock
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented Monorail Carrier System for aircraft engine handling in engine test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks and twin hoist carriers and transfer stations
with crane bridges
Photo - Aerolia - 401611  -2
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented Monorail Carrier System for aircraft engine handling in engine test centre, comprising the patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers and transfer stations with crane bridges
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Engine Carrier System in test centre, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations with crane bridges and swivel beam.
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
United Kingdom
Patented monorail carrier system in engine test centre, comprising patented mono-rail tracks, twin hoist carriers, transfer stations with crane bridges, slewing cranes for orientation changes and swivel beam
Photo Rolls-Royce 2 - References
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail tracks and twin hoist carriers, transfer stations with crane bridges and swivel beam installed in engine test centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail tracks and twin hoist carriers, transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine test centre
Photo - Jordan Automotive 1983
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail carrier systems for aircraft engine handling, comprising patented monorail tracks and twin hoist carriers and transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine test centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Crane System for the handling of the sections of an A350
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Saudi Arabia
Patented monorail carrier systems for aircraft engine handling, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers and transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine maintenance centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented bi-rail carrier gantry system for aircraft engine handling and transport during maintenance and repair, comprising monorail crane system with engine carriers, work stations with hoist carriers and transfer bridge installed in engine maintenance centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail tracks and twin hoist carriers, transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine test centre
Photo - S - Engine handling PIM 2 401550 Work Station
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail carrier systems for aircraft engine handling, comprising patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers and transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine maintenance centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
Patented monorail tracks, twin hoist carriers and transfer stations with crane bridges installed in engine test centre
Aircraft Engine & Parts Handling
2 new shipset of buffer devices H410
Other Industries
Automatic High-bay Warehouse of special containers for the storage, transport and dosing of powders
Other Industries
Automatic Handling Cranes of special containers through new Tyvek production lines
Photo - V - Other 1 - References
Other Industries
Extension of an existing CTI System milk powder silo Handling and Storage System
Other Industries
P.R. China
2 Automatic Electrode Handling Cranes for zinc electrolysis
Other Industries
Automatic High-bay Warehouse for the storage, warm up and dispatch of rubber containers for the tire production
Photo Tarkett 401230 - References
Other Industries
P.R. China
Automatic Cranes for the transport of bogies through MRO lines
Other Industries
P.R. China
Automatic Cranes for the transport of bogies through MRO lines
Other Industries
2 Automatic Electrode Handling Cranes for manganese electrolysis
Other Industries
P.R. China
AGV and Automatic Cranes for the transport of bogies through assembly lines
Photo Licofloor 1988 - References
Other Industries
P.R. China
Cellhouse equipment for zinc electrolysis, incl. 2 Automatic Electrode Cranes and stripping/brushing machines
Other Industries
P.R. China
Four Electrode Handling Cranes
Other Industries
Automated Storage System for printing cylinders
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